Position Overview
Golden Gate Christian Church is a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church. We are prayerfully seeking a full-time Senior Pastor to serve alongside the Church Council and Pastoral staff to provide leadership, direction and vision for the Church and to help us fulfill our current vision – “We are a Bridge Leading People to Life in Christ.” The individual will need to ascribe to the Christian Reformed Church statement of faith. We are looking for a follower of Christ and His Word, and someone who is committed to serving Him and His people in a local church context. Specific duties and responsibilities listed below can be refined to best utilize the Pastor’s gifts and abilities which promote spiritual impact and longevity in ministry.
San Francisco, CA
Or contact srpastorsearch@ggcrc.org for any inquiries.
Ministry Summary
The office of Pastor is ordained by God to provide direction and training for followers of Christ to deepen their faith and thrive in ministry
The Senior Pastor shall, in all ways, endeavor to lead and teach the congregation according to the precepts of Holy Scripture, holding true to the church’s Statement of Faith, Statement of Vision and Mission, Constitution, By-Laws and Governing Policies, while honoring its history and moving it towards the future
Much of the Pastor’s job description involves being; their spiritual life, character, demeanor, education, training and attitude must at all times represent Christ and His church. This requires ongoing investment through prayer, scriptural study, professional growth, education, training and close fellowship with the congregation.
- Have a vision and calling to serve in a culturally and demographically diverse congregation
- Highly proficient in English and fluent in either Mandarin or Cantonese
- Master of Divinity from an accredited theological seminary. Preference for someone who is ordained as a Christian Reformed Church Minister of the Word. If not, upon successful hire, the Sr. Pastor shall work towards CRC ordination as Minister of the Word as a primary goal
- Have a minimum of 5 years of ministry experience as a pastor, in a church setting
- Christian Reformed Church (CRC) ordained minister/pastor preferred.
- If not CRC ordained, the candidate must affirm reformed theology and seek CRC ordination upon acceptance of position. For additional details refer to Articles 6-8 and Articles 23-24 respectively of the CRC Church Order available at: https://www.crcna.org/synodresources.
- Authorized to work in the United States
Spiritual Leadership
- Pray and grow in relationship with God to guide and influence the congregation that reflects God’s leading. Acts 1:14
- Focus on their family’s welfare to ensure that they are cared for spiritually, emotionally and physically. 1 Timothy 3:4,5
- The Pastor shall provide leadership and mentoring to the Associate Pastors, the professional Church staff, the Overseeing Elders and Deacons
- In all things strive to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3
Visionary Leadership
- Seek God’s vision for Golden Gate Christian Church and be the primary vision caster for the congregation and its ministries focused on evangelism, discipleship, missions Acts 13:1-4
Administration Leadership
- Raise up God’s people into leadership of His church; equipping, empowering and supporting them in their ministry to the church family and evangelism to the world
- Supervise the staff of the church to maintain unity in faith and align church-wide ministries with the overall church vision
- Consult regularly with Council for input; chair and meet with the Council made up of himself as President, along with the Vice President, Officers, elders, deacons and ministerial staff
- Oversee the implementation and development of the stewardship of church members to ensure financial, time and talent support for Golden Gate Christian Church
- Be responsible for Christian counseling or referral to other Christian Counseling agencies
- Function as board president of Agape Community Center (ACC)
Ministry Responsibilities
- Oversee the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. 2 Timothy 2:2; 4:2
- Be the steward responsible for the administration of the Sacraments. 1 Corinthians 4:1
- Establish ministries to ensure that every member and prospective member is cared for in a Christ-like manner
- Provide spiritual direction for the ongoing operation of church ministries and congregation activities
- Fulfill duties related to the CRC California Central Classis
- Conduct occasional special services, weddings including premarital counseling, funerals, and private Baptisms when called upon and such service brings glory to God