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The young couples having financial hardship among the Hui

“My wife and I recently got married. The marriage was arranged by our parents. The bride price was set at $20,000 USD, which meant that my family had to pay this amount to my wife’s family. In order for us to go through with the wedding, this money had to be paid. As a couple, we didn’t receive any of this money ourselves. My mother-in-law said that she worked for over twenty years to raise my wife, so this is money that she has earned.
Culturally, it is expected that I provide a new house and a new car for my wife. I purchased these things to fulfill these expectations. Now, we are in an immense amount of debt. Almost all of the money I make each month goes towards paying off these debts. It has put much strain on our new marriage. Although it seems from the outside that we have nice things, we are struggling to make it financially.”

How could we pray?

1. Pray for wisdom for Hui people as they deal with very difficult financial burdens that threaten marriages and family
2. Pray God will work in the hearts of young Hui couples. Ask Him to keep their marriages strong.





1. 禱告回民有智慧處理經濟負擔,不至於困難到威脅婚姻和家庭。
2. 禱告上帝在年輕的回民夫婦心中動工,堅固他們的婚姻。





1. 禱告回民有智慧處理經濟負擔,不至於困難到威脅婚姻和家庭。
2. 禱告上帝在年輕的回民夫婦心中動工,堅固他們的婚姻。[:zh]

英語 | 華語| 粵語


The young couples having financial hardship among the Hui

“My wife and I recently got married. The marriage was arranged by our parents. The bride price was set at $20,000 USD, which meant that my family had to pay this amount to my wife’s family. In order for us to go through with the wedding, this money had to be paid. As a couple, we didn’t receive any of this money ourselves. My mother-in-law said that she worked for over twenty years to raise my wife, so this is money that she has earned.
Culturally, it is expected that I provide a new house and a new car for my wife. I purchased these things to fulfill these expectations. Now, we are in an immense amount of debt. Almost all of the money I make each month goes towards paying off these debts. It has put much strain on our new marriage. Although it seems from the outside that we have nice things, we are struggling to make it financially.”

How could we pray?

1. Pray for wisdom for Hui people as they deal with very difficult financial burdens that threaten marriages and family
2. Pray God will work in the hearts of young Hui couples. Ask Him to keep their marriages strong.





1. 禱告回民有智慧處理經濟負擔,不至於困難到威脅婚姻和家庭。
2. 禱告上帝在年輕的回民夫婦心中動工,堅固他們的婚姻。





1. 禱告回民有智慧處理經濟負擔,不至於困難到威脅婚姻和家庭。
2. 禱告上帝在年輕的回民夫婦心中動工,堅固他們的婚姻。[:]