Vision: GGCC is filled with followers of Christ who are visibly excited, love and live out the Word of God in their lives. Key Purpose: Discipleship based on the teaching and living out the Word; Provide leadership to lead GGCC to become a church of prayers. Responsibility: Provide guidance, ideas, teachers, materials and training for Adult Sunday school classes; Provide guidance, coordinators, caregivers/teachers and teaching materials for the Nursery ministry; Provide creative incentive to encourage GGCC members to use the library resource to enrich their spiritual lives; Provide guidance and execution of all aspects of annual church retreat and encourage attendance; Provide opportunities, encouragements and special events for Spiritual growth and encourage attendance.
Maturity Department serves to equip and help each member discover his/her personality, passion, and personal giftedness and place of Ministry within our church and community. It seeks to encourage members to dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ, and to enable members to develop the service ministry and the care ministry of the church. One of the primary responsibility of the Maturity Department is overseeing all the small group ministries of our church. Service Ministry is also part of our responsibility. Throughout the year, each small group will find opportunities for community service. Passing our flyers to the neighborhood, Angel Tree Christmas gifts for children, and sorting food at the San Francisco Food Bank are but a few of community services that we take part in. Caring Ministry serves the needs of members who requires special physical, emotional and spiritual care. Our special care team will provide home delivery meal service to those that are seriously ill or unable to prepare meals. Visitation to the seniors or the sicks is usually coordinated with our pastoral team. Ministry Department joyfully serves the body of Christ at Golden Gate.
The Maturity Department serves mainly in 2 areas:
- 小組團契
- 關懷
目前華語堂有二十一個小組,粵語堂有十一個小組,再加上英語堂的十三個小組,總共是四十五個小組。小組定期聚會,依照不同的小組,聚會地點可能是在教會或是在組員家中。透過小組,弟兄姊妹一起團契、討論聖經、研讀屬靈書籍,一起學習成長並互相幫助。小組組員持續的在當中彼此建造、彼此關懷,以及彼此服事。因為小組提供美好的環境,讓我們在當中與其他弟兄姊妹團契並成長,當有新朋友加入金門教會,事工部會依照其語言和人生階段安排新朋友參與小組。也歡迎點擊此連結查閱小組的列表。列表中包括聚會時間、地點和學習或討論的議題與小組的電子郵件。如果你想要加入特定的小組,歡迎您與事工部負責人或是小組聯繫。 小組組長每季會一起人分享他們的小組的情況,數算上帝在小組中所施行的恩典,討論遇到的問題,在分享之後我們也一起有禱告的時間。
- 每週日的第一堂與第二堂聚會之間的茶點時間
- 年度教會大掃除
- 在每季愛加倍社區中心開始前派送小冊子到社區
- 為青少年和長者提供接送服務
- 提供關懷訓練,讓弟兄姐妹們能夠更好地在這方面的服事