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[:en]Indoor Services – Closed[:zh]實體崇拜-已關閉[:]

By 11/29/2020November 30th, 2020No Comments

“Due to a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases across the City and State, San Francisco is required to roll back most non-essential indoor activities including indoor fitness, indoor theaters, indoor worship and indoor museums. The City must also limit certain outdoor family entertainment and reduce capacity at retail stores.”


As of Nov. 29th, 2020, Golden Gate Christian Church, therefore, cannot continue to host in-person worship until further instructions from the City Health Department. Please join us in our Sunday Live-Stream Service!

You can find more reopening information through the SF Reopening Website.[:zh]



因此,自2020年11月29日起,金門基督教教會將無法繼續進行實體崇拜,除非得到市衛生局的進一步指示。 請加入我們的周日直播崇拜
