Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Council Board has decided to restore GGCC’s Covid-19 mandates on June 10, 2022. This includes any restrictions on masking, social distancing, eating together, and meeting together.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Council Board has decided to restore GGCC’s Covid-19 mandates on June 10, 2022. This includes any restrictions on masking, social distancing, eating together, and meeting together.
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Please find the GGCC Covid-19 Health Guidelines.
Please read them carefully and make sure you follow the guidelines for your group gatherings. This is based on Aug 20, 2021 recommendations by the city, county and the state’s health authorities.
Thank you for your cooperation.
In Christ,
Church Council
According to the city guidelines, we are now
reopened for in-person worship. Please register with the links below.
Livestream will be hosted at the same time.
You can find more reopening information through the SF Reopening Website.
You can find more reopening information through the SF Reopening Website.
“Due to a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases across the City and State, San Francisco is required to roll back most non-essential indoor activities including indoor fitness, indoor theaters, indoor worship and indoor museums. The City must also limit certain outdoor family entertainment and reduce capacity at retail stores.”
As of Nov. 29th, 2020, Golden Gate Christian Church, therefore, cannot continue to host in-person worship until further instructions from the City Health Department. Please join us in our Sunday Live-Stream Service!
You can find more reopening information through the SF Reopening Website.[:zh]
因此,自2020年11月29日起,金門基督教教會將無法繼續進行實體崇拜,除非得到市衛生局的進一步指示。 請加入我們的周日直播崇拜!
In addition, the permission to resume our In-Person Worship Services does not permit us to host Indoor Gatherings. Therefore, Golden Gate Christian Church will not be hosting Sunday Schools, Small Groups, Fellowships, and other Social Gatherings inside the building at this time. We encourage you to continue your gatherings online.
ACC and Opportunity Unlimited can resume operations given they follow the guidelines for non-profit and non-essential office.
Trusting in the Lord,
GGCRC Deacons[:zh]根據SF City Health Department的新指南。 金門基督教會恢復實體敬拜。 但是,您必須先按照健康指南的建議在線註冊才能參加主日崇拜。
此外,恢復實體敬拜的許可不允許我們舉辦室內聚會。 因此,金門基督教會目前將不在室內舉辦主日學校,小組,團契和其他社交聚會。 我們鼓勵您繼續在線聚會。
只要遵守 Non-Profit 和 Non-Essential Office 指南,ACC 和 Opportunity Unlimited 可以恢復運營。
Trusting in the Lord,
GGCC Council[:zh]粵語主日崇拜(9:15a)和華語主日崇拜(11:00a)將於10/11開始實體敬拜。 頭2-3個星期只能通過邀請參加。 當向所有人開放時,我們將發布一個註冊鏈接以加入我們的主日崇拜。
Cantonese worship service will be conducted at the church with worship leaders only (no participants), and the service will be live-streamed.
Trusting in the Lord,
GGCC Council[:zh]根據最新的《 三藩市衛生指令》,三藩市只允許戶外最多12人的宗教聚會。 因此,我們將繼續在線上敬拜,請留意最新消息。
We are taking the highest measure of precaution to ensure the safety of our staff and members. We will be observing the Social Distancing rules and health guidelines as directed from the health officials and would ask everyone who attends on-site service to adhere to the rules as well.
Trusting in the Lord,
GGCC Council[:zh]長執會已投票決定在6月21日恢復堂內主曰崇拜。 僅限受邀者參加,為期2週。
我們正在採取最大的預防措施,以確保弟兄姐妹的安全。 我們將遵守衛生官員指示的《社交隔離》和健康指南,並要求參加者也遵守這些規則。
We will continue to be alert of any changes by health officials of the city, state and federal.
Trusting in the Lord,
GGCC Council[:zh]
We will continue to be alert of any changes by health officials of the city, state and federal.
Trusting in the Lord,
GGCC Council[:zh]長執會決定將所有在教堂場地內的活動暫停到5月3日,只有教牧同工和有必要的活動除外。
We will continue to be alert of any changes by health officials of the city, state and federal. If there are any changes on the mandate of shelter in place be lifted sooner, we will be glad to re-open our church building for activities and meetings.
Trusting in the Lord,
GGCC Council[:zh]金門教會長執會一直注意最新COVID-19的相關新聞和發展。 流行病是非常嚴重的,教會活動在未來幾週內恢復正常的可能性似乎很少。 長執會決定將所有在教堂場地內的活動暫停到5月1日,只有教牧同工和有必要的活動除外。
我們會繼續觀察市,州和聯邦衛生組織的任何消息。 假如「居家防疫」能夠題早取消,我們也會題早重新開放教會和所有在教會場地內的活動。
The Psalmist writes in Chapter 46,
God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will not fear.
And God responds, “Be still, and know that I am God!”
Let us be still and remember that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving.
The city of San Francisco has issued a “shelter-in-place” order effective immediately through April 7. You should not leave your home unless it is for essential purposes. Therefore, the Council is continuing the suspension of all church activities in the church building immediately until further notice.
Trusting in the Lord,
GGCC Council[:zh]舊金山市發布了一項“居家防疫”命令,該命令立即生效至4月7日。除非出於必要目的,否則您不應離開家。 因此,長執會決定繼續暫停教堂中的所有教堂活動,直至另行通知。
金門教會牧師團(賴爾立, 林建宏, 蔡景輝)[:]
“The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear.
What can mere people do to me?
Yes, the Lord is for me; he will help me”.
We remember God’s words because we need not fear during these days of the news of COVID-19 (or more commonly known as the “coronavirus”). God is for us and He will help us.
The church Council wants you to know that we have prayerfully discussed how to best shepherd you during these times. We have considered the current information available from the Center for Disease Control, the recommendations from the federal, state, and local government, and the various groups that gather to meet in the church building.
Based on all of this, the Council has decided to temporarily suspend all church activities in the church building immediately through Thursday, March 26. The goal is to be proactive to “socially distance” ourselves from one another in order to reduce the spread of the virus. Please note that there is currently no reported incident of anyone from GGCC directly or indirectly having COVID-19.
The goal is to be proactive to “socially distance” ourselves from one another in order to reduce the spread of the virus. Please note that there is currently no reported incident of anyone from GGCC directly or indirectly having COVID-19.
Suspension of church activities include:
During this time period, only essential personnel and functions will be allowed in the church building. The pastoral staff, of course, will always be available either in-person or through other means (phone, text, email).
You should suspend in-person interactions with your small group, fellowship, and all social gatherings during this period. Consider creative virtual ways to meet together. Again, our goal is to reduce physical interaction to reduce the spread of the virus.
The Council will re-evaluate the situation as more information becomes available.
Again, God is our heavenly father who always loves us, protects us, and guides us.
GGCC Council[:zh]金門教會弟兄姐妹平安!
金門教會牧師團(賴爾立, 林建宏, 蔡景輝)[:]
© 2025 Golden Gate Christian Church.
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