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[:en]Hello Church Family,

It is an understatement to say that the Covid-19 virus has upended everything: children are home
from school, most people are working from home, errands are for essential purposes only,
financial security is in question.

It is in times such as this that we are reminded the Church exists in community. We are called to
encourage and support one another in meaningful and practical ways.

Therefore, someone you know may be experiencing difficulty because of the shelter-in-place
order; someone who is elderly, physically less mobile, or without easy transportation. Please
reach out to them to determine if you can help. For example, shopping for groceries,
appointments to the doctor, running an errand, minor home repair, etc.

You might, however, feel more help is required. The responsibility of the Deacons is to serve the
church in practical ways, particularly during this time. They are able to organize efforts and
resources to help in these situations.

Or you, yourself, might be in need. If you require some assistance, then ask for help. There is
absolutely no shame in asking for help.

Please reach out to the Deacons and leaders so they can determine the best way to help you or
another person. This is what the church does for one another.

Any information they receive will be kept in strict confidence.

Contact any one of the following:
Jeff Hoek
Henry Cheah
David Joa
Matthew Riemersma[:]