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GGCC has been praying about the adoption of a UUPG, particularly Hui in Myanmar, since MET1 came back. A workgroup was formed to facilitate the pre-adoption process. In November of 2020 GGCC members voted to adopt one unspecified UUPG. In July of 2021, the GGCC council approved the Mission Committee’s recommendation to adopt the Hui in Myanmar. In the upcoming November congregation meeting, members will make the final vote on adopting the Hui in Myanmar. Pray for the hearts of members to earnestly desire the salvation of Hui in Myanmar.

How could we pray?

1. May the Spirit give unity to members at GGCC to discern whether the Hui in Myanmar is the people group we should adopt 2. Pray that God would move the hearts of members at GGCC to participate in the UUPG adoption initiative through different means: pray continuously, give financially, participate in short-term mission trips, or even become missionaries. 3. Depending on how God leads us on the journey of the UUPG adoption, pray that we would be faithful to our cal, whether we are in a leading or supporting role.



自2019年第一支緬甸探索隊回來以後,金門教會一直在禱告認養一個未得之民群體,特別是緬甸的回民。教會設立了一個工作小組,推動認養之前的準備過程。 2020年11月,會員大會投票通過認養一個未得之民群體。2021年7月,長執會通過了宣教委員會關於認養緬甸回民的提議。2021年11月教會將召開會員大會,會員將對認養緬甸回民的提案作最終投票。禱告金門教會的會眾的心切切渴慕主的救恩。


1. 求聖靈賜下合一,讓金門教會弟兄姊妹可以對於「是否以緬甸回民作為認養未得知民福音工作的對象?」一事上有共同的看見。 2. 求神感動金門教會弟兄姊妹的心,在對於未得知民的宣教工作上,能夠願意透過不同方式來參與。例如:持續禱告、奉獻支持、參加短宣,甚至受呼召成為宣教士。 3. 依據上帝對金門教會的帶領,讓我們不論是做帶領或是支援的角色,都可以忠於呼召。


English | 華語



GGCC has been praying about the adoption of a UUPG, particularly Hui in Myanmar, since MET1 came back. A workgroup was formed to facilitate the pre-adoption process. In November of 2020 GGCC members voted to adopt one unspecified UUPG. In July of 2021, the GGCC council approved the Mission Committee’s recommendation to adopt the Hui in Myanmar. In the upcoming November congregation meeting, members will make the final vote on adopting the Hui in Myanmar. Pray for the hearts of members to earnestly desire the salvation of Hui in Myanmar.

How could we pray?

1. May the Spirit give unity to members at GGCC to discern whether the Hui in Myanmar is the people group we should adopt 2. Pray that God would move the hearts of members at GGCC to participate in the UUPG adoption initiative through different means: pray continuously, give financially, participate in short-term mission trips, or even become missionaries. 3. Depending on how God leads us on the journey of the UUPG adoption, pray that we would be faithful to our cal, whether we are in a leading or supporting role.



自2019年第一支緬甸探索隊回來以後,金門教會一直在禱告認養一個未得之民群體,特別是緬甸的回民。教會設立了一個工作小組,推動認養之前的準備過程。 2020年11月,會員大會投票通過認養一個未得之民群體。2021年7月,長執會通過了宣教委員會關於認養緬甸回民的提議。2021年11月教會將召開會員大會,會員將對認養緬甸回民的提案作最終投票。禱告金門教會的會眾的心切切渴慕主的救恩。


1. 求聖靈賜下合一,讓金門教會弟兄姊妹可以對於「是否以緬甸回民作為認養未得知民福音工作的對象?」一事上有共同的看見。 2. 求神感動金門教會弟兄姊妹的心,在對於未得知民的宣教工作上,能夠願意透過不同方式來參與。例如:持續禱告、奉獻支持、參加短宣,甚至受呼召成為宣教士。 3. 依據上帝對金門教會的帶領,讓我們不論是做帶領或是支援的角色,都可以忠於呼召。
