Date Language Title Scripture
2024-06-23 English The Man Born Blind John 9:1-12 (NIV)
2023-07-02 English “Salt and Light” Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)
2023-06-25 Mandarin 鹽和光 馬太福音 5:13-16
2023-06-25 Cantonese 鹽和光 馬太福音 5:13-16
2022-06-26 Mandarin GPS 使徒行傳 16:6-15
2022-06-26 Cantonese GPS 使徒行傳 16:6-15
2022-05-29 Cantonese [:en]馬其頓的異象[:] 使徒行傳 16:1-10
2022-05-29 English [:en]“The Call of Macedonia”[:] Acts 16:1-10 (NIV)
2021-11-21 English [:en]Breakthrough Require Prayers[:] Acts 10
Acts 11
Acts 12
2021-04-25 Mandarin [:en]比黃金更珍貴[:] 詩篇 19:7-11
2021-04-25 Cantonese [:en]比黃金更珍貴[:] 詩篇 19:7-11
2020-08-23 Mandarin [:en]充滿力量的準備​[:] Acts 1:1-14
2020-08-23 Cantonese [:en]充滿力量的準備​ ​[:] Acts 1:1-14
2019-08-11 Mandarin [:en]突破需要禱告[:]
2018-08-26 Mandarin [:en]聽而行之[:]
2018-07-29 English [:en]The Book of James: Wisdom and Worldliness[:]
2018-07-01 English [:en]The Book of James: Hearing and Doing[:]
2018-05-20 Cantonese [:en]普珥節的啟思[:]
2017-12-10 English [:en]Advent: Good News of Great Joy[:]
2017-09-24 Mandarin [:en]傳福音的態度[:]
2016-09-25 English [:en]The Jesus Lifestyle: Giving Without Hypocrisy[:]
2016-05-08 English [:en]Mother’s day: A Godly Woman[:]