English | 華語
The city of Mandalay, located in the middle of Myanmar, the second largest city after Yangon, has a population of 1.7 mill. The city has become a vibrant economic area in upper Myanmar. Other than Burmese, the largest minority group is Chinese, many immigrated from Yunan. Our first Myanmar Exploration Team (MET1) in 2019, came in contact with 5 Chinese churches, but none of which had a specific outreach to the Hui people.
How could we pray?
Pray that the churches will begin to make connections with the Hui people group.
曼德勒位於緬甸中部,是僅次於仰光的第二大城市,人口約 有一百七十萬。這座城市已成為緬甸北部一個充滿活力的經 濟 區。除 緬 人 外,最 大 的 少 數 民 族 是 華 人,其 中 許 多 是 從 雲 南 移民過來的。金門教會的第一支緬甸探索隊在 2019 年走訪 緬甸,在曼德勒接觸了五個華人教會,目前在他們當中沒有任何特別針對回民的福音工作。
English | 華語
The city of Mandalay, located in the middle of Myanmar, the second largest city after Yangon, has a population of 1.7 mill. The city has become a vibrant economic area in upper Myanmar. Other than Burmese, the largest minority group is Chinese, many immigrated from Yunan. Our first Myanmar Exploration Team (MET1) in 2019, came in contact with 5 Chinese churches, but none of which had a specific outreach to the Hui people.
How could we pray?
Pray that the churches will begin to make connections with the Hui people group.
曼德勒位於緬甸中部,是僅次於仰光的第二大城市,人口約 有一百七十萬。這座城市已成為緬甸北部一個充滿活力的經 濟 區。除 緬 人 外,最 大 的 少 數 民 族 是 華 人,其 中 許 多 是 從 雲 南 移民過來的。金門教會的第一支緬甸探索隊在 2019 年走訪 緬甸,在曼德勒接觸了五個華人教會,目前在他們當中沒有任何特別針對回民的福音工作。